Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today its only twenty four days until she's 5 years old.

Hubby and I took the Nae to the doctor today, it was time for a Well Baby visit.  Which, because she's turning five, is now a Wellness visit.  She had to have shots.  Man, was she terrified.  With the persistence and bribery, she sat and braved through not one, not two, but three shots!!
We sang and looked away and all three of us held on to one another.  Half way through the ordeal, our brave sweet girl stopped her crying.  I do believe she realized that these no good shots didn't hurt as much as she had thought they would.
As soon as it had began, it ended.  And she had moved on to picking out a Spongebob sticker from the wonderful nurse's stash.  We were buckling her into her car seat when she spoke up, "Now is it time to go pick out my ice cream?"  LOL   I told you we used bribery!!  Nope, I'm not beyond it.
So, in about six months time, my sweet little baby girl will attending kindergarten.  Just like that, five years have gone by.  Five years???   Was it really that long ago that we labored for twenty-seven hours only to have her born not breathing, and heart not working in her first forty-five seconds of life?
Now?  She's strong and tough.  Stubborn and smart.  And always, always hungry!! ...always, hungry.
I caught my hubby telling her how proud of her he was today.  That even though she was scared, she braved through those shots.
I think of that moment and realize that these two are the very reasons I tough it out instead of just staying in bed with the covers over my head.  When you need it most, Life hands you inspiration.
Just think, this isn't even my Thankful Thursday post yet!!   :)


  1. Ugh, I remember those 5 year shots and I cried right with Elly. I'm such a wuss. And, yep, we went and had ice cream after. LOL! WTG Nae! XOXO

    1. Hugs and kisses to you and the family!! thinking of you.....baby is almost here!!!!!


Hi, be nice. I would if I commented on your blog!! KTHANKSBYE. :)