Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday....I MADE IT!!!!

  I made it to Thursday!!  Goddess provided!!  Man, have me and mine have seen quite a few obstacles since Thanksgiving only one short week ago.  I'm proud to say that even though the stick kept putting on a whooping, I never gave up.  I never let the situation discourage me.  I must be learning!! 
  Should that excite me so much?  When you have seen some rough times as this poor wee little family has, YES, it should excite me.
   Are we turning a corner into a better time in our Life?  Sure, that's one way to look at it.  I would like to see it as the fact that we are learning how to handle the curves.  You see, Life will never, ever be without curves.  There will always be struggles, I'm starting to understand that its how you function in those struggles that defines who you are.  Will you let it knock you down?  Will you take the punches, look around to see who is there you can rally to help you and get it done?  Will you let your heart grow negative with self loathing thoughts?  Will you take the lessons handed to you and file them for the next bump and know that you have learned, at the very least, one part of what you need to move forward?
  This Thursday only holds that much more to be Grateful for.  When we practice Gratitude, it abounds in our Lives.  That simple.  Try it.  What do you have to lose?
  All things good:
  This week there were so many who helped us through our many obstacles.  It may have seemed like not that big of a deal to those folks, but Oh My,  did it help to have them in our Corner.  Hayley, Shayla, Rita, Digran, the guys at the Co op.  Jessica and Alyssa at Carmax.  The listening ears of Charlie, Amelia Delene, and my Gran.  Being able to bounce ideas off my Dad. An FB community that always has my back.  Dude, we are Loved.  I am Grateful.
  I wake every morning with a Grateful heart.  I will continue to do that the rest of my Life.  If I give nothing else back to the Universe, will try at the very least do that.  I will try.
Love, Light, and the Brightest of Blessings!!

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