How do to keep living with a person that tells you everyday that you have not lived up to the standard that they keep for you?
How do you keep looking that person in the eye when everything they do or say tells you that they are so totally disappointed in you?
How would you cope with being down on your luck, feeling in the dumps, that everything is a hopeless mess, that there is not really an end in sight?
You call you girlfriend. That's what she did. She called me.
This one, she has it in her. The will to Live. So much has been thrown her way. She just keeps getting up and dusting herself off and moving forward. She is amazing that way. Her answer when I tell her she's amazing is" what other choice do I have??". Well, she could choose so much worse, but she moves on. Not always confident, but she moves none the less.
I always think that if I were in her shoes I would just lay down and quit."No you wouldn't." she says calmly. "You would do exactly what I'm doing, keep moving. How else can I do this if you weren't there to listen and tell me to get my ass up and move?!"
I think that she is one of those people that just won't let others dictate who she is. Its rough on her when she sees the disappointment, but she has a persistent drive that propels her forward. Toward what she knows is there, but is just out of her sight on the horizon.
My heart aches for her every time she calls with another hill she bounding. To hear the agony in her tears.
Its not long though, and I have her laughing. Seeing the short-sighted and obvious, "OMG, that is SO true!!"
I hope I can give her what she gives me each time we talk, love and understanding. When in a world that is really down on its luck, won't give it back to her at the moment.
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