Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thankful Thursday....The Pumpkin Patch, CharKenn and My Costume, MOM!!

Nae @ Poppy's Pumpkin Patch

We found the sweetest little pumpkin patch on a Mom and Pop little farm just fifteen miles from our little town.  The family was so sweet, the activities were all free.  A mini maze, pumpkin roll into baskets, a cute little craft shop, some of the sweetest friendliest cats we've ever met!!

Nae had a blast.  We walked with seven pumpkins and barely did $15 in damage!!  As we were loading up our haul, Nae strck up the conversation about her costume.

Nae:"So is Chi-Chi sending my costume then?"
Me:"Wha?" Why would Chi-Chi be sending you her costume?"
Nae:"Well, because she got me my pretty one last year, I just thought that she was gonna get me my costume this year."

Children, wow.
I thought it was pretty funny, so, I texted my sister the incident.
We both laughed, then she got serious and asked me to send her the link to the costume she wanted.
 Yup, that's right. 
Her Tia and Tio bought her costume....again.
Charlie said it didn't help that Kenn thought it was adorable when he first saw it.

What is her Costume??
You'll just have to wait and see.

So, we are thankful for the Village that helps raise our child.
That village consisting of wonderfu sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins.

Thank you

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Hi, be nice. I would if I commented on your blog!! KTHANKSBYE. :)