This year marks my 3rd year partaking in 30 Days of Thankfulness on FB for November. I'm late!! Two days behind!! I'm not that worried. What am I then? Rejuvenated!! Inspired!! Why? I have seen SO many start their month with their Thankfulness, I'm SO Grateful to be a part of Lives, even if its in cyberspace, that take the time to be Grateful. It's awe-inspiring!!
This year has been busy, my sweet little business, my Naenah, my Hubby, and all the things that go with Life have kept me on my toes. I've had less time to sit and write on Thankful Thursdays. However, I have had more time to fellowship with other Grateful humans. To hear what they are Thankful for, and to learn something everyday from being part of their Lives, even if it's in just a quick, simple way.
Just the other day, I went in to pay the electric bill and had the most wonderful convo with a lovely gal about how awesome the fall colors were this year. She then told me how lucky she felt to be able to stop and really notice that. I told her that, that is indeed the lesson. She couldn't have agreed more!!
If we open up to a positive note, positive will come back. Gratitude is the same. The more we practice giving Thanks, the easier it is to see it, the more of it arrives right in our lap. My sweet little Family is Living proof of that.
So, with that being said, shall we begin? Would you like to give it a go? You don't have to post them online, just jot them down on a piece of paper, in a notebook or journal. So you can go back through and see, how much there is to have Gratitude for. I promise there is good at the end of the task. I can't say what it might be, that is up to you and what you need, but if you really put your effort into it there will be something for you.
Bright Blessings to you.... Let's begin.
Always, Norms
Happy November! :)